As global communication expands throughout the world, so does the need for an international language. The English language serves this purpose. MIT VGS Loni Kalbhor celebrated English Fest from 19 June to 24 June 2023. Reading, writing, listening, and speaking aspects of the language were focused on through various interesting and collaborative activities.

An array of activities spanning from the recitation of poems, enacting a story, show-and-tell activity, advertisements full of creativity and drama, amazing ads with catchy tag lines, Ted Talks, Radio Show with information and entertainment through different elements like news reading, weather reports, interviewing some great personalities, etc. with their skills by planning commitment, dedication, and teamwork. To enhance critical thinking and communication skills Grade IX had a debate on whether AI/Chat GPT replace teachers. Students could synthesize complex information, and present it intellectually. Grade X students came up with monologues of famous characters from famous dramas and plays. They demonstrated their ability to perform independently by slating their monologues in front of the class.

It was an exhilarating week with lots of fun-filled activities. The week gave a platform for the students to showcase their talents. Participating in various competitions not only increased their knowledge bank but also boosted their self-confidence.

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